Previous medical history
Smokey, a 12 year old Paint, was bought 2008 through a salesmann. The pre-purchase inspection passed the ailing hooves as unremarkable. The new owner noticed when Smokey was supposed to be shoed again. She wanted to return him, but the salesman negated with reference to the positive pre-purchase inspection.
On the 29. of May 2005 Smokey was brought to the Horse Clinic LMU Munich for an assessment. The report affirmed the „gravity of the deformities of the hooves“ and furthermore states that they „probably could...through long and arduous shoeing expertise be improved.“ A „cure-in the sense of a complete healing to „regular hooves“ is impossible“.
Removing the horseshoes
Smokey was shoed again. At the next appointment (7 weeks later!) Smokeys situation had taken a turn for the worse and it was said impossible for new iron to hold.
One day later the Orthopeadic hoof treatment began. The shoes were taken off and the hooves carefully worked on. His light pre-existing weight bearing lameness in his right fore extremity hasn't shown itself since. Already in the winter of 2009 Smokey was trotting over the paddock and even the hard, frozen ground didn't stop him from frolicking.